Thursday 25 April 2019


This is me at a residential care home with a phone stylus in my hand. I was 48 , when I took this selfie and I was miserable , because I had been given a roof over my head, after a corrupt judge had made us homeless. I wanted a photo to show how miserable and depressed I was worrying about my husband , because he was still out on the street's. He only went on to develop trench foot and frostbite. He came close to losing both feet.

I was placed in a care home for people with dementia and of course , Alzheimer's. My husband and I came to know and love all that lived and worked there. I found out that I was born with moderate-severe Cerebral Palsy.  I was born with Asperger's , a form of autism, and with an I.Q.  on Mensa app of 173 on the first question that stunned even me. Now it is solely used for schools.

I was shocked to learn that my intelligence was so high , when I recall a few cruel people calling me 'Spastic' by how I walk ,due to popped out hip from scoliosis and raised right shoulder etc. I have had cruel names worse than that at school.  I was lucky that they were few and far between, but they hurt all the more. I was reading , before my first full year at school and read all the DICK AND JANE stories in no time. I found them boring, I was treated like I was stupid , but I was given a gift of intellect by ELOHYM.

I'm a Davidic Messianic Jewess and that means I'm a Jewish royal. ELOHYM had revealed this to me , while I was at Heath House.  I lived there from March 2012-May 2017. My husband was placed with St. Martin's that know more about housing the homeless , then about care. 

I moved to another care home that has been brilliant. The staff are the most wonderful people to ever know. Where we are being moved to it is a training centre for Norse staff  and apartment's for disabled and elderly. 

I'm going to have to make this blog longer than expected to explain why I have changed my profile and what has made me prompt it now,  It started with a conversation in tears trying to get the council to understand that I was not how I was made out to be by my treacherous neighbour's and this is what came back after applying for my postal vote this year. I vote more on real issue's that affect all of us and not one group. I am non-partisan and will speak out against abortion, because that comes close to home in relation to my beautiful daughter and grandchildren, but what the barrister said to me 'You have no right to be alive, to live, to have been born, to exist'.  I felt I was targeted by the judge that called me a 'Thing' , more for my disability than for my faith in ELOHYM.

When the deputy manager got the paperwork back after submitting it , as 'Mrs' ; it came as a surprise it was labelled Princess. My parent's are both of noble heritage and I knew my dad had a Duke marry a Wettin and then through ELOHYM , I found out that this woman was related to the Queen through Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Mountbatten-Windsor. I was born a real princess and member of the Royal Family in Norfolk ,U.K. in Autumn 1963. If you have any noble related to you and you're born on the soil of the reigning monarch [any royal family member on the throne] You're born with a title.


Now, to the other reason that I'm blogging this. Meghan always felt that she was born to be a royal. She was obsessed with Princess Diana and longed to be a princess to the point that is well documented; ghosting people on her way up the ladder to the Palace.

This woman hung with the Hollywood crowd, although she was not a big deal at the time. I came across this photo on an Instagram to point out something that concerned me. 1: Before she was allowed to marry Harry; she had to be baptised and she chose full immersion. 2: She was photographed coming out of an apothecary with Harry very late at night. I don't have a copy of the photo. It was rumoured that it was for some kind of spell casting. Now we know Christianity and Witchcraft do not bide well. She was baptised a Christian, but is pulling Harry into thing's that are prohibited in the scripture's. Harry is backsliding and she is dragging him down.

The baby lie is obvious; she wanted to continue being in the spotlight , knowing full well that she could not get pregnant, due to number of abortions. She was fifteen weeks in October that would have made her due in January or February. I believe the latter. She has been pregnant for almost three hundred days. No woman has ever carried a child that long, but have carried a tumour. Now she either has a tumour in her womb or she is lying to the public. I saw a photo of her in an awful green dress taken in March and when she bent down to take the flowers from the child, the bump was gone.

Please don't judge the rest of the Royal Family on the action's of this impudent, repugnant, interloper. Sorry, I was taught to be honest and to call out a lie, when
I see one. Princess Diana would have made sure that she was not able to get near her 
son and would have issued her, as a threat like she did her sister suffering from M.S.

Her sister is less of a threat to the Royal Family, then what Meghan is with her social climbing, and other activities to get to Harry. How she met him is even questionable with a man that she has claimed to love. In fact, in New York , he spent a great deal of time with her. I don't know who the men behind her in one photo , bur he wasn't impressed and happy about it at all. I wondered , if she had security with her, or if that was hotel security.

Meghan with another man at a Spirit Cooking
put on by her friend, Abrahamovic.
